Ugandan public holidays are both the best and worst days to play. Usually the big clubs will have a competition, so play is slow, on the other hand, there is no traffic, and one can drive to golf in a reasonable time. The solution to the conundrum is to either play early OR go to a smaller course. (Lugazi or Namulonge). In mid-October we tried the early route with mixed success.
5 of us met up and played Entebbe at 0900 in 2 groups, the Dutch crew included Billy (an Englishman who lived in Belgium for 10 years, McTim, and American with 7 years in Amserdam, and Olav, one of the flower growers from Wagagai Farm. Simon and Andy were the English team, but they went off the back side, and by the time they got to the front nine, the pace of play was glacial, so they retired to the 19th hole early.
The cloggies slogged it out and finished (well almost, as we skipped a hole and a half, dropping our balls 120 yds from the pin on 18 and turning it into a par 3). It was the only hole on the course where we all managed a par!
Entebbe has the best fish n chips of any course in Uganda, altho, now that I think about it, it maybe the only course where you can get fish n chips, but it's still quite good, and good value.