Sunday, July 20, 2008

Queen Elizabeth National Park

QENP is a must visit if you are in Southwestern Uganda, the crater lakes, ease of game viewing and beautiful lodges are all easily seen in a day. I entered at the Queen's Gate, with this pavilion and a cyber cafe run by Conservation Through Public Health, an excellent NGO.

After a drive on a rough track through a series of crater lakes:

ones gets to Mweya Lodge:

Where you can do some game driving, but as there are warthogs, mongoose, tembo and birds at the lodge, game drives are hardly needed.

The concessionaire's of this lodge have proposed building a golf course on the Mweya peninsula;

They already have a cart, the first seen on "UG GolfQuest2008, GolfAroundUganda"

As it's elephant/lion habitat, I think the proposed location is a non-starter. However, since the UWA HQ is leaving Mweya soon for a spot close to Katwe, the land that houses the UWA will be available for a golf course.

From Mweya, the launch trip is
good value and let's you see birds:

hundreds of Nile Paarden:

Waterbucks and other ungulates (thousands of buffalo)


and elephants;

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